Grouville has always been one of the most important parts of my life. The people who make up this Parish have been here to support me and teach me all the way and I am constantly looking for the best way to give back.


The Parish needs to ensure it is on a sound financial footing. The Connétable has announced a review of all Parish finances and it is important there is technical financial expertise in the leadership of the Parish, from someone who understands how a Parish works, to ensure this review focuses where it needs to.


The largest capital expenditure of the Parish in living memory is scheduled to take place this year with the replacement of the Parish Hall roof. A proposal will come to the Parish Assembly later this year on the funding and it is important this proposal is properly reviewed and is financially sound.

I’m someone who has been around building projects my entire life, someone who has developed an interest in and a good knowledge of planning processes and construction work. I have a skill set that would be put to good use in the leadership of projects like this.

Young Parishioners

I want my nephew and niece to grow up in this Parish in a similar way to how I did. It is noticeable however how few facilities there are for young people in the east of the Island. I will work with the Connétable to increase these facilities wherever we can find an opportunity for the parish to have an impact.


We need to keep Grouville a rural parish and I oppose the building on green field sites.

Our Roads Committee for too long stood against the reduction of speed limits. Only with the election of a Connétable with a specific manifesto pledge to expand the Green Lane network did we see any progress. As a cyclist, walker and driver I understand the importance of appropriate speed limits to allow all users to enjoy our roads and fully support this expansion.

Corporate Governance

One of the most boring, but one of the most important issues to write a manifesto on. The way the whole Parish works needs looking at, how committees communicate, how our conflicts are managed and how we can find the new skills we need within the constraints of the law.

Supporting volunteers

Our Parish is held together by a large number of volunteers in the municipality. I believe they should receive every support necessary to ensure they can excel in their roles. As a member of the LGBT community myself I understand the importance of diversity and the importance of removing the barriers that stop anyone playing a full and active part in our Parish.

Supporting staff

Our staff are a key resource for our Parish and we must ensure we have adequate people to complete the work that needs to be done both in the Parish Hall and around the Parish. We must work to ensure they have a good work life balance and have access to all the resources and training they require.

Always available to listen to you